I've spent a couple days over the last few weeks working on a new blind in anticipation of the bald eagles coming in winter. So far It's looking pretty good, but I still need to find a roof. The way it's set up, I have great views of trees and areas where the eagles preferred to roost and eat salmon last winter. I am very excited to see how they react to this pile of sticks! I was able to make mostly solid walls with a few "windows." I am debating on whether I should just throw some sticks across the top to act as a roof, or if I should put a camo top so I have a little more head room and perhaps some shelter from rain. Any suggestions?
View from the other side of the blind. All of the leaves around it will be off, so hopefully it will blend in more with an all gray background. |
Go for the camo top! You might as well try to be comfortable. I know I would be able to focos better if rain wasn't running down my back. Also maybe the eagles flying in wont see you as they make there way to the fish.